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Anyone own a TiVo cuz you owe SCO $32
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After IBM, large businesses using Linux servers are SCO's first target. The company sent letters to about 1,500 large companies it believes could be running such servers. Through October, it will charge them $699 for rights to its Unix code for each single-CPU Linux server they operate, after that charge double.
In a less well-publicized part of the company's licensing terms, announced Tuesday (August 5), SCO said it will charge OEMs $32 per unit for each embedded Linux device they own.
The $32 fee applies to any embedded system regardless of whether it is a Tivo set-top box which uses embedded Linux or some models of the Sharp Zaurus which also use that kernel.
Thank goodness only rich snobs have tivo.
And who is it who keeps talking about spending more for slight improvements being a good thing? :D :D :D
Fuck SCO. Fuck them up the ass. With a sandpaper condom.
well, I was triple booting with, 98se, slack 8.1, and Caldera workstation.....but I deleted caldera partitions without a second thought, and tossed the CD into the local wood chipper.......LOL....so SCO owes me 40 cents for the gas it took to shred the CD. :D
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