Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Shame, Shame, Shame!
According to the W3C HTML Validation Service fuckmicrosoft.com doesn't validate as HTML 3.2.
Thanks for looking away for a few minutes. Your girl was fantastic. New meaning to open source, I suppose.
She was fantastic, never before have i seen a chick so willing to flash her flange on a webcam. Its not really a flash. It was out for 5 minutes.
Well I guess badconnections.net doesnt follow w3c standards either.Apparently I have no character encoding. Also:
Fatal Error: no document type declaration; will parse without validation
Simply put maybe if Im bored one day Ill get my site up to standards.
Master of Reality:
i havent found a webpage where that validator works. Every line of my website isnt up to standards. It says that /html (took off thingys) should have been at the top of the page?????!!!
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