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another voting poll

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zdnet auther trying to use desktop linux
go on over and vote for thou favorite desktop os out of window xp, macosx and linux. don't forget to read the article

Oh my God.  What a bunch of sniveling whiners!  Read those reader comments? I would especially like to take that "ex-CIO" out behind the shed and kick is ass.  The article was funny because the guy was a n00b and all of his issues had simple answers. You would think he would have asked someone who knew a little about Linux to help him with the simple little issues rather than printing garbage.  But I guess that was the point of it, how easy is it on a n00b.  

Yes, we have it pretty good here at fuckmicrosoft.com.  I think I'll stay.  And has anyone else noticed it's been pretty quiet around here lately (knocking on wood) if you know what I mean.

the guy who wrote that is very good at writing, everything he said was true. about Linux (KDE) being easy to use to some extent then dropping off into the deap end.

i voted Linux because i'm not sure if "everyday" includes games or not.....then i would have chose WinXP
interesting how close the numbers are though.


KDE is a decent place to work, though the user interface doesn't seem as sophisticated as Windows. In fact, KDE reminds me of a graphical environment of the pre-Windows era called Geoworks. America Online used this for its first DOS releases, as I remember, and it's how many of us were introduced to the wonders of a graphical interface. This is not a catty way of saying the KDE interface looks really old--it doesn't. I actually miss Geoworks, and wish it had proven a better challenger to Microsoft Windows.

--- End quote ---

You can find geoworks screenshots on www.toastytech.com


"My bodys broken, yours is bent" - by ________?

[ June 19, 2002: Message edited by: BOB X11 ]


[ June 19, 2002: Message edited by: BOB X11 ]


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