Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Domain Name Registration: Advice
are these prices normal?
what sort of hidden costs should i be looking for? is there any one good agent for registering domain names, and if not, then what sort of things should i check for, and what sort of prices should i be expecting?
i am just a bit confused by it all, that's all..
Master of Reality:
my domain was free and doesnt have ads. www.bobs.tk
ya, i believe those are normal prices.
I bought www.belg88.com from www.godaddy.com
Calum, if you're going to be buying from phpwebhosting, can I tell them I reffered you?
I got akgames.net for $35 from register.com. No hidden charges, 1 e-mail account (Adding more costs $15 an address). No ads, etc.
To see what the mail page looks like:
Very plain, but that's a good thing.
quote:Originally posted by Calum-21.2:
are these prices normal?
what sort of hidden costs should i be looking for? is there any one good agent for registering domain names, and if not, then what sort of things should i check for, and what sort of prices should i be expecting?
i am just a bit confused by it all, that's all..
--- End quote ---
It says $20 just to PARK it, but not to use it. Watch out!
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