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Programming vs Photoshopping

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Macman said that programming is not "art" well, then Photoshopping is not art. I decided not to post this in the GRAVE YARD thread because well. I just made a new thread because I can :)

Who is doing the work? In Photoshop (And GIMP and all the others) most people make images using filters, scripts, and other crap, and they do a bit of cropping and soforth. (Yes I know there is a bit more). And who writes all the code that can do these cool effects, who writes the ultra trippy screensavers that x comes with? PROGRAMMERS.

If you have an argument to this (and not just "x11 fuck off") please make it.

(I posted this because I think an argument may bring some life to the forum and soforth, and because im bored).

x11 fuck off

Canadian Lover:
Yea! you're giving Apple a bad name!

[ May 24, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]

X11, you can twist anything to look any way, but that will still never make you right.

Looks like I win the argument, gee that makes me feel good. This forum is fucked because everybody is to pussy to bother with a nice flame war.


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