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water cool

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well I am designing my block, just gotta buy the plexiglass

i'm using a thin copper plate as the base of a plexiglass box containing a large heat sink.  i will sandwich the flowthrough box onto my slot a and use a fuel pump to circulate back to the radiator and reservoir.

anyone else tried watercooling?

Once when i overclocked a PII266 to 466mhz and it set my shed (lab) on fire. And my perants went beserk (not many kids get ther own shed) anyways the water cooling did stop the CPU from damage.

Master of Reality:
I am thinking about getting a whole bunch of ABS tubing and creating a pipeline to the outside from my computer and pumping fresh cool outdoor air into my computer. It will be especially good here in canada where its always -50 and we all live in igloos with no running water...

yeah you crazy eskimos up there    

i have a regular big ass room fan cable tied onto a piece of pegboard with a big hole cut in the middle as the side of my computer.  fairly frosty

i bought some shielding tape from where i work and wrapped the motor to stop emi

:eek:  thats better then the four fan system i have, ok, it has the ps fan, the cpu fan, a case fan, and another case fan, i would love to try water cooling on an athlon mp system but as soon i will start saving and paying for car insurence /*bastards, now i won't have anymoney for cool things */ no money do i have


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