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More patent Bull****


AT&T sues eBay, PayPal over patent

Forgive me for not typing a summary, im just too pissed off.

And their trying to push this "US Style" legislation here in Europe?! Yeah right over my dead body, fuck off and die.

It makes me wana puke, but that's what you get with a world run by lawyers, and neo-conservative pseudo-chistians.... Grrr!

Dumb fucks, don't they realise they are destroying the very fabric of their business and wealth?


quote:Zardoz: And their trying to push this "US Style" legislation here in Europe?! Yeah right over my dead body, fuck off and die.
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Socialists tried to, but the rest (greens, communists and even liberals and conservatives) stopped them. It's like this now:

You can't sue someone if you already had a software patent, but if you come with a new software and patent that, then you can sue company's and people.


The AT&T suit comes amid heightened activity and controversy in software patents. The issue has gained special attention since the University of California and an affiliated company won a $521 million suit against Microsoft that may force significant changes in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser.

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It's Lawsuit Lottery.    Anyone can play, and, who knows, you might hit the next jackpot! Why should SCO be the only one to have all that fun?  :rolleyes:


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