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Call me stupid...


I'm sure some of you are going to get a real laugh out of this but I have a really really really stupid question.  What's a "punter"?  I've seen it pop up in text quite often on The Register and by Calum on this site.  I assume it is either a British or Australian slang term for dumb ass computer luser but I'm not sure....  If so, does that make me a "punter"?

Well whenever i have heard it used, it means, in North Americaspeak: "average joe", "the guy on the street", "joe public", "the great unwashed" and so on. Here are some good definitions i found online:
quote:from foxsearchlight.com:
punter, n. inf. 1. any person  2. inf. a customer or client, esp. a prostitute

Thanks! I prefer to think of myself as the one who propels a boat using a pole.  

(football) a person who kicks the football by dropping it from the hands and contacting it with the foot before it hits the ground

Thats aussie rulez footy!

i like the one that says yer a hooker's client lol


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