Author Topic: Got a little idea for you guys to ponder...  (Read 1360 times)


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Got a little idea for you guys to ponder...
« on: 9 August 2003, 11:55 »
Okay, seeing as some people on this forum say that the SCO case won't go to trial until 2005, I was wondering if there was anything we could do to make the lives of SCO executives a little less pleasant for preaching their BS to the masses until there is a settlement. How about Unixware sucks on billboards? Screw $CO bumper stickers? Public service announcements? Or have people done this already? Cuz this shiat is getting out of hand, and the longer SCO is allowed to do this, the worse it will get. So can we fight fire with fire, or do we just go all out and sign Darl up for every spam list imaginable?
"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."  --Bill Hicks


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Got a little idea for you guys to ponder...
« Reply #1 on: 9 August 2003, 12:41 »
I recomemnd putting up linux rules billboards and as for making sco's life miserable a smear campain would be good and making people and businesses refuse to pay them It will be costly enough for them just Imagine how many people they will take to court?

Through education you can make people relize that linux is not their property.

the best course of action is through web propaganda increase our pr and make them look bad post on all websites about this lame atempt at making linux look bad.

Every linux user should make a anti sco webpage we should all write to newspapers everywhere etc

grafiti will make us linux users look like we are in the wrong. As for billboards I think we should not make it look like grafiti.

oh and is it possible for anyone to hack their site just to show how lame their product is.

thanks for your patience              :D

[ August 09, 2003: Message edited by: kibawarior ]

linux is wayyyyy cool
windows plain sucks


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Got a little idea for you guys to ponder...
« Reply #2 on: 9 August 2003, 18:54 »
This all seems a bit SCOish.  Personally counter suits, the DoL (denial of lawyer - hundreds of simultaneous non frivolous law suits against SCO) or simply using SCO's own media publicity as simple advertising to get Linux into the "mindshare" of the people sound good.  Yes, I just used a commerce term.  I shall go and ritually cleanse myself.  :)

Personalized and non arrestable letters to peeps is also fun.  Never go over the top and do anything arrestable - searching for pro SCO forums (like anything remotely connected with forbes) and having a bit of a (controlled) debate would also be fun.  Remember that with no central company to look at the public sees Linux users as indicative of Linux and GNU themselves.  So please act reasonably maturely.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Got a little idea for you guys to ponder...
« Reply #3 on: 13 August 2003, 21:41 »
Don't do anything.  As someone brilliant (okay, relatively brilliant, it was comedian Mike Warnke) said, "If you want to get to an arrogant, self-rightous bigot, just ignore the sucker."  That's somewhat paraphrased, but it's true nonetheless.