Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Clockcrew, Absolute Moronism...


Ok i was viewing the HTML source of a forum page to learn a few HTML tricks. And i seen a image on Mr Clocks sig...
It pointed to fuckapple.cjb.net
i added myself to the Webring, but look pure stupidity. Go there....
Questions for Mr Clock:
* It has made on a PC with a Windows Symbol
why would it have to be Microsoft to be PC.
What about Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, DR-DOS, ect.

Anyway look at his webring it links to a page i made... HERE

It has some gay tune in the bg and full of adds.

Why did he steal my idea (Read my new Windows hate site) and see who's ethics he follows.

Anyway this is clock war and its happining right now.

Gooseberry Clock:
I should have known you were up to no good.

*promptly deletes X11's "site" from his web ring*

Besides, you took the ring code off.

Master of Reality:
hmmmm... maybe i should join his webring?


quote:Originally posted by Master of Reality:
hmmmm... maybe i should join his webring?
--- End quote ---

Yes please do, its a great way of getting hits


quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
I should have known you were up to no good.

*promptly deletes X11's "site" from his web ring*

Besides, you took the ring code off.
--- End quote ---

Yes i did, of cource i did.
Its called Social Engineering Goosenbury!
(x11.150m.com goose, you should read your links)
My mac classic has driven me insane so i am not liking old macs. I will get a new one and test it. But Goosenbury, you shouldnt be supporting WIndows, because i am good mates with a datafast emplyee whos job is to find bad .cjb.net accounts and he likes mac!


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