Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
It seems to me that nobody actually likes these guys. I mean, even the M$ supporters we get here don't seem to like M$ themselves.
Why the hell do people put up with them?
The world hates them but still put up with them. It's like they are some overbearing relative.
Ya know what? I kinda like them, I mean, lets face it- if it wasn't for MS, what other company could you loath with every fiber of your being, and hope that the entire upper management would spend eternity in the lowest pit of Hell. See, there ARE things to LIKE about MicroSoft after all.
When I was a young boy my grandfather used to blame me for every little dumb thing that happened. When my mother asked him why he blamed me he answered, "We don
well a lot of people like something to hate, if it's Microsoft then at least it might be lowering the number of sexists, racists and bullies in the world.
Also, tons of people blindly like M$. Honestly. I meet them all the time, and avoid talking computers with them like the plague. There are a plethora. A multitude. A cornucopia of people who like M$. They don't love them, but they like them. Because in those people's minds, M$ has created all the standards that make computing easier to deal with.
Do you think those people care about how good (stable and bug free) a product is? Or whather it is politically correct in its development or not? Or even if it costs more/less?
Now that we are all of the mindset that we "depend" on computers, people will grimly cling to the devil they know all the way, smiling that forced Christian smile of eternal... Like.
The Bad One:
It's not that I like M$... I'm just not used to anything else. Bring back the Amiga, I say.
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