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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?

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Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Ahhh, I misread your post. I saw "Linux" when in fact you said "Lunix".  Not even close to the same thing.  Sorry about that.  You could put chatroom.fuckmicrosoft.com on your C64.    
--- End quote ---

i think more than 4 people would like to be on it at a time  

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
I like Win and Office XP, but MS can kiss my ass.

1) WPA is horse shit. So I got Corperate Edition.

2) It took you how many years to get a better product than 9x in the mainstream?

3) It's my computer, I don't want it phoning home. So I fixed it.

4) And how much does this cost? 300 bucks? Ha, I'd like to know when an OS that comes bundled with crappy middleware that's forced on you cost 300 of my earned money that I could have spent on something a little more important.

5) If you see competition, you (MS) fart and the competition ignites and dies. Then incorperate the 'idea' in the next version of Windows.

6) How many markets do you want to take over??? What next, "Microsoft Bread .Net??????????"

7) .Net = .Shit

I like Windows and Office XP, I do, but that doesn't mean I like MS. I hate MS with a passion, and after I give Mandrake a go, I might hate Windows with a passion too, I don't know.


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