Author Topic: Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?  (Read 1804 times)


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It seems to me that nobody actually likes these guys. I mean, even the M$ supporters we get here don't seem to like M$ themselves.

Why the hell do people put up with them?

The world hates them but still put up with them. It's like they are some overbearing relative.


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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #1 on: 6 May 2002, 07:32 »
Ya know what?  I kinda like them, I mean, lets face it- if it wasn't for MS, what other company could you loath with every fiber of your being, and hope that the entire upper management would spend eternity in the lowest pit of Hell.  See, there ARE things to LIKE about MicroSoft after all.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #2 on: 6 May 2002, 17:18 »
When I was a young boy my grandfather used to blame me for every little dumb thing that happened. When my mother asked him why he blamed me he answered, "We don
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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #3 on: 6 May 2002, 18:46 »
well a lot of people like something to hate, if it's Microsoft then at least it might be lowering the number of sexists, racists and bullies in the world.

Also, tons of people blindly like M$. Honestly. I meet them all the time, and avoid talking computers with them like the plague. There are a plethora. A multitude. A cornucopia of people who like M$. They don't love them, but they like them. Because in those people's minds, M$ has created all the standards that make computing easier to deal with.

Do you think those people care about how good (stable and bug free) a product is? Or whather it is politically correct in its development or not? Or even if it costs more/less?
Now that we are all of the mindset that we "depend" on computers, people will grimly cling to the devil they know all the way, smiling that forced Christian smile of eternal... Like.
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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #4 on: 8 May 2002, 16:52 »
It's not that I like M$... I'm just not used to anything else. Bring back the Amiga, I say.
Drew (aka The Bad One)


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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #5 on: 8 May 2002, 17:52 »
aha! are you used to the amiga?

and why are you only used to M$? why not getused to something else? you took the time to "get used" to M$' shitty product, now don't make the mistake that zombie4687486486486 has made and sentence yourself to a life of blinkeredness. Don't get me wrong, if linux took a wrong turn and i didn't like it anymore, and if there was some other OS i fancied, i would be there like a flash, i am no linux fanatic... Actually i hope to try BSD soon, and i tried to install BeOS recently, but it seems the CD i have is not bootable by a ix86 computer, maybe only by a mac?

I digress, my point is, don't let the past dictate the future!
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Master of Reality

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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #6 on: 9 May 2002, 01:33 »
even i have gotten used to a great number of computers.
Vic 20> Commodore 64> windows 3.11> window 95> commodore64 (again)>windows 98>commodore 62/128>win98(shortly)>Linux>BSD (just installed)

the more time you spend using windows the harder it will be to start thinking logically again.
You start to "think" alike with windows, therefore you start to learn to think inanely, like looking for you pet cat in a freezer, or looking for water to drink in your coat pocket (similar to looking for file name extensions in the "folder view" options).
I still like the commodore, isnt there a unix-like OS for the commodore? is it Lunix?

[ May 08, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #7 on: 9 May 2002, 01:42 »
No, I don't believe Linux has yet been ported to C64.    I don't think they can quite get the kernel trimmed down that small.  Maybe if you added about 8MB of RAM (or at least ROM) then you could get it to work. But then it would be called a C8192.
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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #8 on: 9 May 2002, 02:37 »

check those out.
and here are screenshots of LNG on C64/128:

[ May 08, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

[ May 08, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #9 on: 9 May 2002, 02:49 »
Ahhh, I misread your post. I saw "Linux" when in fact you said "Lunix".  Not even close to the same thing.  Sorry about that.  You could put on your C64.  
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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #10 on: 9 May 2002, 02:58 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Ahhh, I misread your post. I saw "Linux" when in fact you said "Lunix".  Not even close to the same thing.  Sorry about that.  You could put on your C64.    

i think more than 4 people would like to be on it at a time  
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Is there anyone out there who actually likes M$?
« Reply #11 on: 9 May 2002, 08:51 »
I like Win and Office XP, but MS can kiss my ass.

1) WPA is horse shit. So I got Corperate Edition.

2) It took you how many years to get a better product than 9x in the mainstream?

3) It's my computer, I don't want it phoning home. So I fixed it.

4) And how much does this cost? 300 bucks? Ha, I'd like to know when an OS that comes bundled with crappy middleware that's forced on you cost 300 of my earned money that I could have spent on something a little more important.

5) If you see competition, you (MS) fart and the competition ignites and dies. Then incorperate the 'idea' in the next version of Windows.

6) How many markets do you want to take over??? What next, "Microsoft Bread .Net??????????"

7) .Net = .Shit

I like Windows and Office XP, I do, but that doesn't mean I like MS. I hate MS with a passion, and after I give Mandrake a go, I might hate Windows with a passion too, I don't know.