Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Survey, Who built your computer?

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I will be dammed if i buy a prebuild PC or have another person build my computer.

Built myself. And I put another together with crap that was sitting around for use as a kazaa/ftp machine. (Wonderful when you can build a full pc from stuff just sitting around your room.)

Doctor V:
My comp is a sotec.  I have yet to build a computer, but am planning on building my next one , and it will be a laptop.  Unless of course laptops start coming without windows.


i've had a computer since i was nine (i didn't build it, my dad build it for me)...it was a 486 w/ windows 3.1 on it for a long time...since then was about 6 years ago, i've upgraded many times, and i've bought the peices from pricewatch.com, tiger direct, staples--any place that had a good deal

1 ghz Athlon
384m ram
GeForce 4 128 m ram
40 gb harddrive

i've gone from win3.1, to 95, to 98, 2k, and now LINUX (RH8)

but i'm going to upgrade soon...and buy a laptop  

Mr Smith:
Here is my old computer info:

AMD K6 350Mgh
128 M/Ram
20 Gig HD
3dfx voodoo 3 64 M/ram  
some sound card
and a cheap modem
old but funtional


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