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Survey, Who built your computer?

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yeah... heres some specs

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quote:Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:
... but am planning on building my next one , and it will be a laptop.  Unless of course laptops start coming without windows.

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Yep. If you come across any good sites accessable to US for laptop parts please post them. I am hunting around for such things now, and would love to build my own laptop. Then I could guarantee it working well.

void main:

Steve did too make my computer! He flew all the way to Taiwan in his personal jet, made it, and put it in a box just for me!  :D

Heh heh. Would that be from the signature series?  

I built all of tha machines in my house (my windows box, my dads cpu and the living room machine) except my linux machine. my linux box is a modified Dell machine.


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