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Planet most fit for life outside Earth found

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Anyone thinking like me; this is Bill Gates

That's great. If ever a huge rock collides with our planet or the Yellowstone blows up and destroys everything, at least we'll have somewhere to go.

Actually we will have somewhere to go before a huge rock collides with Earth. I know I'd get the fuck out of here the minute I heard that there is a rock on a course heading near this planet if there was somewhere else to go.

I wonder how long it will take for humanity to destroy all of the resources on the new planet when we are all forced to migrate to another planet.

According to scientists, the day will come when humans will be forced to leave this planet(which doesn't surprise me at considering we have destroyed this planet). This is actually pretty interesting. If you have time, take a look at this.


[ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


Or we'll reach a level of technology that will allow us to fix up Earth. If you think that's impossible just take a look at our technology in the middle ages. Do you think many of the people back then imagined the internet? Don't write off humanity so quickly.

And they didn't find a planet, they found a star. Planets are actually notoriously hard to find. For a second I thought they had actually found a habitable planet.


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