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A civilised political discussion

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quote: what i mean is theres probably going to be much more people investigating the official story than people going out of their way to be sure its right.
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This may be true, but it's up to the government to prove their allegations in the first place, not to others to prove them true or wrong. As it turns out, their claims are incoherent, whereas overwhelming evidence is against them, and their motivations as well as their reactions make them very suspect

Canadian Lover:
Vent your fustration of Bush to his face!
 [email protected]


quote:Originally posted by Canadian Lover:
Vent your fustration of Bush to his face!
  [email protected]
--- End quote ---

...and I want Der Schutzstaffel on my case... why?  Keep in mind that all e-mail sent to that address is vetted and form-lettered, nothing from anyone not in his "inner circle" ACTUALLY reaches him...

It's official. 85% of the world wants Bush gone.


If they didn't poll US troops based overseas, it would probably be more like 95%.

Actually, no source for the poll was given, either on Yahoo or Reuters.  Names of countries polled were not given either, nor a sampling method.  US polls are shitty enough, but now we have jerkoffs phoning random people in Venezuela and Namibia right at dinnertime?

I believe the results of the poll, but I hate "new sources" who just hand out little factoids like they were Halloween candy, without any source materials.


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