Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Write Write Write! - Forum Game 3

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They all pass out, scientests collect them, and freeze them...

The get unfrozen 2 years or so in the future and this hits the headlines:

--- End quote ---

X11 says, "where are we"
the others are just waking up...
Then scientests ruch from all directions and freeze them again.

For another 10 years...

X11 wakes up ten years later and looks out the window. To his astonishment there is a parade in the street and a large sign that reads, "Microsoft Day." After asking several bystanders questions, X11 learns that six years ago today Steve Jobs and Linus Torvolds had been assassinated in what historians call, "The Great DOS Uprising." Even more disturbing, he learns that there are thousands of Bill Gates clones running the now Microsoft-controlled world. All of the governments have fallen and been taken control of by the Microsoft Empire.

An elderly man seems to know who X11 is and tells him that his father, X12, tried to prevent the Great DOS Uprising but was killed in the process by one of Emperor Bill's new CEO's, Studd Beefpile.

Suddenly Studd Beefpile was behind X11 and the elderly man. "So we meet again," he says to the elderly man. They both draw their lightsabers and a battle ensues. In the end Studd Beefpile is victorious. X11 takes up the elderly man's lightsaber and faces Studd Beefpile. "You killed my father," he yells. Beefpile chuckles and exclaims, "I am your father! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

X11 yells, "NOOOOOOOO!!!" and...

Doctor V:
Then X11 pulls off his X11 mask, turns to studd and wiggles his fingers shooting out blue lightning, and  ignites his red lightsaber and says, "Nope, I'm your father".  And planet earth turns into a giant pickle...

Unfortunately X11 had never used his secret powers on such a large scale before, the pickle is a sour pickle, with horrid smelling fumes assaulting everyone's nostrils. Many people throw up. The pickle's proprotions are proper enough that many buildings and landmasses are still in correct position...

In a town that is slightly cold and rather small, a man is driving a pimpmobile, he is dressed like a pimp... he IS a pimp! It's Lazygamer! But how did he get here? Lazygamer clumsily parks on the curb and parks his wheels. He talks to one of his "employees". "What up baby? Gotta do a product check, if ya know what I mean." The hot prostitute walks over to Lazy and...

...kicks him in the balls and tells him "you ain't nothin! Speedfreak knows how to treat me right!" Just as he rolls up in his new Lx470, sittin pretty on some 22 inch HREs. "Damn straight," says Speedfreak. "Oh, and learn how to park, dumbass"...


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