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Write Write Write! - Forum Game 3
Lazygamer sits in his pimpmobile, feeling "violated" that someone attacked his nutz0rs. He tries to think back to why he is here, but nothing shows up. Suddenly he gets a brilliant idea! He takes out the Limp Bizkit tape and puts in the Afroman tape.
As the funky beats fill the deserted northeren town, he reaches into his glove department and pulls out a d00bie. He takes a puff...
Suddenly the sky turns blue, very blue. Collosal clouds loom in the sky, they have a pattern that Lazy has never seen before amongst clouds. Upon closer examination it is the... BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH! Suddenly...
Doctor V:
the fish that was dreaming he was lazygamer wakes to see a nice juicy worm on a hook dangeling just above him...
Meanwhile, back at Microsoft HQ, the bobs are still running in circles like pathetic retards and TheQuirk tries to apologize to the wall so he doesn't get sued. Microsoft storm troopers converge on the bobs' location. what will our heroes do now??
Suddenly, with weapons blazing, the Mac Commandos blast through the disgruntaled wall (solving Quirk's problem) and destroy the microsoft storm troopers within seconds. Macman the mighty Mac Commando draws his "KATANA OF POWER!!!" and uses mirror image (WC3 reference) to confuse the oncoming ranks of storm troopers. The bobs take up the weapons of fallen warriors and continue the battle, fighting alongside their Mac Commando brothers.
Through the other wall bursts SUPER ULTRA MEGA TECHNO BILL. The giant robot bill gates shoots his lasers into the ranks of Mac Commandos and Bobs. Macman blocks several beams with his "KATANA OF POWER!!!" and lunges at the geeky robot.
Starts making a weird clicking noise and stumbles about within seconds the music stops and SUPER ULTRA MEGA TECHNO BILL comes to a complete halt. All the Bobs, Mac Commando brothers and the quirk stand in place almost stuned, thinking how close they came to being annihilated by this gigantic robot drooped over in front of them. They wonder what happened? Did someone pull the plug? Then they realized billy the super bot ran on microsoft's new OS called Absolutist 3000SE. Everyone cheers and thanks M$ for another one of their great OS's. Being that they were just in a bit of a harry situation everyone decides to go to the pub across the street and get a beer. They go inside and get a table, Macman goes to get a drink and the bartender turns around and says "what cha drink?" to Macmans amazement the bartender is none other then the sweaty baboon himself steve ballmer. Just then the quirk wakes up and stumbles out of his room thinking about the strange dream he just had, rushing to the bathroom he runs into a wall putting a dent in it....
"Goddammit!" yells the wall. "My late cousin vinny warned me about you!" I'm sueing you now!
MEANWHILE(back in quirk's dream)...
Macman sits at the bar across from steve balmer sipping some strong irish whiskey. "Why are you working in a bar bahbahbooey-- i mean steve?"
"Well," replies Steve, "After the Great DOS Uprising I decided I could get even richer by cashing off of Microsoft's godly status and starting my own band. We were called 'Balmer and the Balmerettes.'"
"What happened?" asks Macman.
"Our first CD, entitled 'Developers Developers Developers' was a big hit. It was number one on the pop music charts for almost a month. We even did a music video and a couple live performances, but then those bastards "Wintallica" hot the market and we were done." Balmer sighed. "Now they're the next Beatles and i'm working in a pub."
"Maybe you should kill yourself," suggested Macman helpfully.
Balmer nods once, turns around, marches into the back room and the sound of a shotgun being fired at point-blank range echoed throughout the pub. Everyone in the pub froze for a moment, saw that it was only Balmer commiting suicide, and went back to their drinks.
"A shame," says Macman to X11. "Now there's no one to man the bar."
Suddenly, from out of no where, the opposite wall of the pub exploded and in walked...
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