Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Web browser poll
I use mostly Mozilla on Linux and Camino on OS X.
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla on my PC
[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]
Mozilla 1.2.1 and Konqueror at home.
Mozilla 1.2.1 and Internet Explorer (forced to) at school.
Safari on my Mac
Mozilla 1.3 on my PC
Galeon if Mozilla fuks up (Mozilla just fucked up, so I felt the need to add that)
[ March 30, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
Usually Mozilla.
At school, Netscape or Lynx, depending on what I need to do (quickly see a page/request a song, or do stuff like reading /.)
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