i haven't really taken notice too much, but MES, even with it's trolls, mod desputes, and political rambling, has spawned many small communities in the pro-OSS/anti-MS feild.
even though some people may hate what goes on here at times, a lot of good 'for the cause' comes from this site, either directly or indirectly. i can think of 4 or 5 sites/communities/projects that have come into existance since i started coming here, but i'm sure there are more since i do not lurk on a regular pattern.
Everytime something major happens (void's leaving for political debate, avello's inspiration for the openopen group i think it was called, etc) a new source for people seeking freedom from microsoft makes itself available.
even if members here are constantly bickering over menial issuses, remember: argue all you want over the small matters like "he deleted my joke!", but remember why you originally came to "fuckmicrosoft.com" or "microsuck.com". when MES loses track of this, a new inspiration is born, and another pathway for help/aid to linux/mac is developed.
just my 2 cents. i have just noticed a lot of old arguments reoccuring and a lot of dumb shit going on, and i felt the need to say SOMEthing