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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway

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machines certainly will have different base concepts. if they are self aware, then they will in fact, know what they are. they'll think in terms of being a machine, not worrying about pain, or biological processes. they'd likely have less fear of injury or death, as they know that by their very nature, it's easier to repair them. as for thinking "coldly" or without emotion... not necessarily. it depends on how complex their mind is. most likley, if they have a very developed psyche, then, they would exhibit similar patterns to organic beings. Remember, though, there's a different in intelligence and sentience. a machine might be as smart, or smarter than humans, but it could be on the emotional level of a mantis or beetle.

the agents knew that they were software. they were sentient blocks of code. essentially, a software-based neural net. they were able to deal with people in a very human fashion. yeah, they were mean, and operated in a "shoot first" fashion, but they were also quick to deal, and had no reason to deceive.

I highly doubt that the matrix itself has any core software. instead, it probably has another positronic brain at its core that coordinates everything. the entire thing would have to be analog, otherwise it would require the most complex DAC ever devised... for each person.

but what if the matrix really is winblowz driven...and the reason it keeps screwing up (other than the obvious windows thing) is because there's a server on Windows 2400 (or some shit) and all the terminals vary from 3.11 to windows 2399, since windows hates itself, wouldn't that cause some significant quirks (no offense quirk)

The matrix can't be Windows driven, people have a reasonable level of free will within it's boundaries.  :-P

The Matrix would have evolved out of an RTOS (Real Time Operating System), like QNX. Highly stable, efficient, Modular with fantastic clustering properties. But light years better than QNX you understand.

The "wiring" would have come from nano-tech type technology, building components using single atoms, which has already happened to a degree.

Quantum style computing could offer intelligence (in some respects) better than our own, especially mine   :(  

Quantum computation will be able to factor huge numbers simultaneously. Calculating all known variables simultaneously is a very powerful thing to posses. I read somewhere (can't quite remember were) that with a 500 atom register / stack you could calculate more variables than exist atoms in the known universe, simultaneously.

If anyone is interested there's a great book I read a couple of years ago:

"Visions - How Science will revolutionise the 21st century and beyond"

by Michio Kaku

ISBN 0 19 850086 6

Now that's why I like Zardov...doesn't he just have a way of saying things that make you go...DUH>>>I coulda thought of that...lol


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