Author Topic: Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway  (Read 3183 times)


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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway
« Reply #30 on: 14 October 2003, 05:44 »
Originally posted by Laukev7: Has half Macman's posts:
At any rate, for now we may at least be able to operate machinery directly from the brain.

Eventually you won't need implants to interface with computers; there will be nanobots that you ingest that go to your brain and wirelessly transmit data back and forth like a massive wireless LAN.  Check out this article for more info:

Now let's consider the virtual-reality framework envisioned by The Matrix


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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway
« Reply #31 on: 14 October 2003, 20:29 »
I'm going to rely on a piece of old-fashioned tech to protect myself from bullshit tech like that.

it's called a gun.

I hate the current wave of stupid star trek inspired shit tech ideas they've got.

"hey, instead of actually coming out with real medical advances, we're gonna make some nano-probes"

fuck you, shitmasters. I don't want a goddamn version 1.0 droid dicking around inside me.

"lets come out with some turdburglar half-ass computer shit"

how about you stop thinking inside the box and work on complex analog circuits if you want to recreate a real brain?

we'll never "program" intelligence. it can't be done, because you'd have to plan on EVERY eventuality. you simply cannot do it.

oh well, I better be on the lookout for captain picard. him and Geordi are g onna come around with some nano probes and try to fix all my problems with their blue glowy beam devices.

what? need to fix your car? LET'S SHOOT SOME TACHYONS AT IT
Go the fuck ~


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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway
« Reply #32 on: 14 October 2003, 20:48 »
What if the programmer was capable of expressing "x" variables and a learning process intiated...I mean something similar to this is all ready with defense analysis computers.  It's basically all math, but it wargames strategies to determine the most feasible outcomes...tho8ugh I wouldn't exactly call this learning as it is as much as evaluation...but lets say we set a program to follow certain protocols, ie...the "X" variables...asses, analyze, decide and memorize...that's basically learning without the overcomplications of philosophical fact gatherings and processes.  Learning requires a lot, one thing is will another is focus.  Computers have great focus, but honestjy could care less y they crunch numbers, there we go with the whole vulcan thing right...  Soooo back to my other ??? why would it have to be analog or digital...what about protien synthesis, they are all ready building protien chips that can grow through use, though mostly failing now, it is a promising field.  Imagine a puter that gets more powerful the more you use it.
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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway
« Reply #33 on: 14 October 2003, 20:56 »
Originally posted by Darth Jimmy James:
I'm going to rely on a piece of old-fashioned tech to protect myself from bullshit tech like that.

it's called a gun.

I hate the current wave of stupid star trek inspired shit tech ideas they've got.

"hey, instead of actually coming out with real medical advances, we're gonna make some nano-probes"

fuck you, shitmasters. I don't want a goddamn version 1.0 droid dicking around inside me.

"lets come out with some turdburglar half-ass computer shit"

how about you stop thinking inside the box and work on complex analog circuits if you want to recreate a real brain?

we'll never "program" intelligence. it can't be done, because you'd have to plan on EVERY eventuality. you simply cannot do it.

oh well, I better be on the lookout for captain picard. him and Geordi are g onna come around with some nano probes and try to fix all my problems with their blue glowy beam devices.

what? need to fix your car? LET'S SHOOT SOME TACHYONS AT IT

I hate to break it to you but nanotechnology *is* going to be the next Big Thing, on the same level of influence as the computing revolution.  Perhaps you should read up a bit more on it instead of dismissing it because they mentioned it on Star Trek once.

And another thing, your brain is just a machine.  There is no difference between it and any other lump of matter except the manner in which the atoms are organized.  Therefore it is perfectly possible to create a machine, whether it is a computer in the definition of today's sense or something more exotic like a quantum computer, doesn't make any difference.  The algorithmic and quantum processes that go on inside your brain can be functionally replicated using artifical means.  There is no reason why they can't.

I'll talk more on this later but I have  math class to get to   ;)

[ October 14, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


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Discussion: The Matrix...Just what was it's operating system anyway
« Reply #34 on: 22 October 2003, 23:15 »