Author Topic: XP Copyright Infringement  (Read 1530 times)


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XP Copyright Infringement
« on: 24 January 2002, 13:11 »
Microsoft is after me for alleged copyright infringement of Windows XP. My friend came over and installed it on my computer, told me to try it out. After about a month, I didn't like it too much and deinstalled it.

Tonight, I recieved a call from somebody from Microsoft about illegally using Windows XP. They have me shown accessing the internet for a month under an illegal copy of Win XP. The guy asked me if I had a lawyer to back me up in court, as this is a serious offense.

Im 18, a college student, and now my life could be ruined all over such a trivial defect of human nature.

Just thought you would like to know.


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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #1 on: 24 January 2002, 13:45 »
And reason #1 for getting out of the MS business completely.  Go Microsoft!!  Drive yerself right out of business.  We'll all be better off without you.
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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #2 on: 24 January 2002, 16:10 »
But, aren't you allowed to do that, as a 1 month trial version or something?
How can the buggers legally check up on what version of windows you're using if you didn't even register it? which you didn't since it expired after the month was up.  :mad:
Do you own a copy of windows anyway? you could argue that you would have been using the copy you paid for anyway if you hadn't been using XP,
How can they prove it was you on that IP address anyway? do you have 'always on' access?
oh, did you put yr real name in when you installed Windows btw? That's a kicker and there is no reason ever to do so, even if yr legit...  :(
Come on folks, anybody able to say something that might help this poor guy out?  :confused:
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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #3 on: 24 January 2002, 20:57 »
Originally posted by Calum:

Come on folks, anybody able to say something that might help this poor guy out?

Yes, "Fuck Microsoft" install Linux or buy a Mac.


How can the buggers legally check up on what version of windows you're using if you didn't even register it? which you didn't since it expired after the month was up.   :mad:  

This is what happens when you register the same XP CD on two different machine.  It phones home, that's the point of it.


Do you own a copy of windows anyway? you could argue that you would have been using the copy you paid for anyway if you hadn't been using XP,

You obviously have never read the "EULA" (End User Lickme Arrangement).  This argument will land you in jail.

Having said all of the above, I was a little suspect of the post being legit.  I find it hard to believe, even knowing Microsoft's track record, that they would track down and call an individual on it. It could easily be a fear/smear note.  If it is indeed legit, Microsoft will sue themselve's right out of business "fast and in a hurry".  It certainly would be within MSs rights according to their EULA.
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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #4 on: 24 January 2002, 22:23 »
Or is it "End User Lawsuit Acceptance"?

[ January 24, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #5 on: 25 January 2002, 02:57 »
Sorry, but I couldn't help but find that funny. No offence, but just when you think Microshit has sunk to its very worst, they complain about someone just trying out a copy of WinXP for a month?

Only Microsoft could think of that one...


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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #6 on: 25 January 2002, 07:42 »
actually, it isnt a fear/smear note... cause it really happened... I did recieve a call from microsoft.

The thing is, Im using a version of XP that i got from a friend, the professional edition exactly... There is no registration... Infact, i didnt even install the damn thing, my friend did, and he told me to try it out. The guy said they have me accessing the internet via an "illegally downloaded version of Windows XP" for about a month. Yes, it was registerd in my name, cause I didnt know M$ would pull such crap as keeping track of who is installing what. Guess our right to privacy is going out the window.

I called up my dad about it, who called up my cousin (who is a lawyer) and told me what they did is harrasment and is illegal. You cannot do what they did. The correct legal procedure is to mail a letter via certified mail with a case number, name, address, valid phone number, and etc.

When my dad attempted to dial the guys number that he gave me, it would ask for a passcode of some kind, so either way, whenever the call was a legit call or not, you cannot give a number that doesnt work like that. Thats illegal.

  All in all, its one of those "we're gonna scare the shit out of you" calls I believe... I dunno if M$ is known for that, but oh well... Scared the living shit outta me though. I couldnt sleep all of last night, and I also didnt goto my first 2 classes due to how tired i was when 8am came around.

They guy said he would phone me back... funny thing about it is that the guy knew my phone number, but not where i lived... which is quite odd. Plus the fact he called me at 10:30pm Mountain time.. kinda late, dont ya think?

Next time he calls im gonna get his real phone number and address.

FYI, im 18, in college for my first year, and im by no means a crook. I see pirated shit all fucking over the place... everywhere i look. Its odd how only I recieved this call when there are others out there using the same disc that was used to put XP on my machine.


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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #7 on: 25 January 2002, 21:13 »
Originally posted by Jon:
All in all, its one of those "we're gonna scare the shit out of you" calls I believe... I dunno if M$ is known for that, but oh well... Scared the living shit outta me though. I couldnt sleep all of last night, and I also didnt goto my first 2 classes due to how tired i was when 8am came around.

Yeah, Lenny and Guido over at MS usually reserve this sort of behavior for CIOs.  They like to make IT directors shake in their boots and wet their beds.

As much as I want to believe this was Microsoft directly, things don't quite add up.  Now did you say you typed in your name and phone number on a registration screen when you installed it?  If so, it certainly makes sense that it "phoned home" to MS with your phone number and name (that's the whole point of the registration).  It sounds more like a college buddy playing a prank on you though.

Again, I really really hope that this was indeed Microsoft calling you and making these threats. We can only hope that they call you back and this time have a tape recorder ready to start recording (I am serious, have one ready).  The reason I hope this is true and they call you back and that you get this recorded is because we're going to take this *straight* to the press (and not on, we're going to the big time).  Microsoft will lose so much business over this one it's going to be better than sex.

And you should by no means lose any sleep over this.  Sure you broke their agreement and probably the law but there ain't no court that will convict you of anything.  I have two lawyers in my immediate family, and if your cousin needs help just let me know (not that they can compete with MS lawyers, but for this small of a thing there ain't shit going to happen to you, hell, there probably isn't a judge or lawyer in the land that hasn't done this same thing themselves at one time or another).

Thanks for sharing your story and *please* get the next phone call on tape.  Talk to your lawyer cousin and have questions ready for these creeps. Get as much evil out of them as you can so that it will really hit home on the nightly news.  People will dump all their MS shit pronto!

Good luck!

[ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #8 on: 25 January 2002, 14:03 »
Fantastic (rubs hands together in anticipation).
I hope, Jon, that you do get a phone back and are able to record it because that sounds like a sweet plan of VoidMain's. I knew that all that crap would be legally suspicious...
That's the thing though, the bad thing about it is, if it's legally suspicious, you might never get the second call, they might just leave you stewing.
Anyhow, i really hope justice is done in the end, Sleep well, Jon.
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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #9 on: 25 January 2002, 22:09 »
hehe definately alot of help from you all  

So far, I havent recieved a call back, but I can easily get my hands on a tape recorder, and I got speaker phone, so if I do get a call back, im recording it then converting it to an mp3 and you all can do anything you want with it from there.  

As far as when I entered my name, when installing Win98 there is a screen prompting you for your Name and Company. I entered my real name. When I updated to XP it obviously carried over. Then I reported errors as well...  :(  Dumb move, yes, I know. Flame me please, I deserve it.

I once thought that M$ wasnt that bad off. How wrong I was. Im not too wild about Macs personally, but I do not for a second doubt their power in the buisness world. Im going to try looking into a Linux beginners book tommorrow when I get my check cashed. I will never again purchase any M$ software due to the fact that I believe they infringe upon my right to privacy, and the only M$ software I will be using is 98se and Office 97, and VC++. Thats it.


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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #10 on: 25 January 2002, 22:14 »


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« Reply #11 on: 26 January 2002, 08:00 »
This is one bizarre story.

If you do get a call back, and you record it, how about letting break the story and have the MP3 file?       Send out a few e-mails, submit it to Slashdot (repeatedely, if necessary), and within a day or two, it WILL have huge coverage from all the major websites.

But I'd (selfishly) like to have it all start here on this site.  The address is [email protected], obviously.    


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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #12 on: 26 January 2002, 08:48 »
What the hell was I thinking! You're right webmaster. The only right thing to do is to post it here first!

[ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #13 on: 26 January 2002, 17:11 »
re: http://[email protected]/nyheter/feb01/Q209354%20-%20HOWTO.htm
that's excellent! it looks like this site!
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XP Copyright Infringement
« Reply #14 on: 26 January 2002, 23:20 »
Does  winxp licence state you (a private user)can only run it on one pc at a time? If not, give your friend a reciept for your pc dated the day b4 u installed it. Contact Bill Gates plc aand invite him to take you to court or go fuck himself. If Mankysoft then try to question why other software on same pc is registered to you, tell them you bought licences and still use (your friend's) pc with your (legit)  software. Inform whoever that all further correspondence must be conducted via registered 'snail mail', provide them with no info in writing whatsoever (don't admit anything) and invite them to take you to court. If it makes it to court - quote 30-day trials at them - available on most pcmags. If it is going to go to court, make sure you own nothing (receipts for ownership with friends, family,etc). Inform all media you can of case, then let Bastard Gates bankrupt you. You 'try before you buy' ( and you were interested in updating win9X), in return - Monopolysoft repays your allegiance to his products by riuning your future. If none of this works, shoot the cunt.
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