Miscellaneous > The Lounge



Isn't it a good idea, since we already have lots of domain names for fuckMicrosoft.com (like the fuckMicrosoft.com/.org | fuckWindows[2000|XP].com | fuckBillGates.com/.net/.org | windows-sucks.com ) to have a plain, simple mes.org / mes.com domain
name ? It would also be neat for the ultra-savvy people who want an email redirect at fuckmicrosoft. So you'd have [email protected], for example.

Good idea,k i've been getting EMAILS from people who like me and my website.... and my post in:
alt.hacking newsgroup. And i keep getting emails of people asking... "I WaNaA LeArn To HacK"
i say: forum.fuckmicrosoft.com
But i get constructive "I want to learn a non M$-OS can you help" i also tell them to go here, but i get some nice feedback.

. . . except that mes.com/.net/.org are all taken already.    


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