Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Fucking assholes...
And the sad thing is I actually opened it in IE after I saw this...only to get 3 popups, 4 install-web-applets prompts, and it crashed because IE has some problem with javascript.
Just another example of M$ monopoly
[ September 17, 2003: Message edited by: xeen ]
[ September 17, 2003: Message edited by: xeen ]
Yea , Same thing popped up for my Mozilla, They should make an extension to it that meakes sites think thta your on IE
Did you write them about THEIR error? I
I sent them the following email:
You're nothing more than a bunch of assholes. I wanted to register today but was using Mozilla and it said that I HAVE TO use Microsoft Internet Exploder because the web site won't work with Netscape, Mozilla, or any other browsers.
Well you know what, you're full of shit you dumb idiots. It should work perfectly fine with any browser because you idiots should be coding web sites to html STANDARDS not Microsoft IE style!!!
At least be honest and say that you don't support any other browsers but Internet Explorer because you like to contribute to the monopoly of Microsoft and because you're greedy fools who are getting paid for all of those popups that I got when I opened the site with Explorer. That's why you don't let people use other browsers - because they block popups and don't install all that shit that IE wanted to install on my computer like Gator.
So anyone who uses Linux cannot use your service! OH WELL. I am boycotting your service and will spread the word to my friends how much subprofile.com sucks Bill Gates' dick.
Never mind... but download it anyway: Preferences Toolbar.
[ September 17, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]
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