Miscellaneous > The Lounge
I finally went nuts...
Gregory motherfucken suvuallian emailed my... Have a look at the reply (and the email he sent)
On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 10:23, Gregory Suvalian wrote:
> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,741723,00.asp
> <http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,741723,00.asp>
> Look at page no.2, Vice President of Red Hat agreed to this TCO.
> Can you please ask in fuckmicrosoft forum how many servers are being
> managed by UNIX administrators in their eviroments?
Why not go there yourself, I dont care what you have to say about Linux,
it works better. And the system actually makes sence as a pose to an A:\
B:\ C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\. And once again.
I had a box that ran Windows 2000, and took 96 hours to do one
setiathome workunit. I have recently put Red-Hat 8.0 on it and it does
them in 28 hours. They both just sat there and did em.
When Windows supports proper Multiuser (Termianl Services is bullshit, i
log into an XP Machine with rdesktop on Linux and that user on that
system has to log out. REMOTE ADMINISTRATION IS NOT MULTIUSER.) I will
use it (maybe). But I still wont because you and your dickhead
accociates will be the ones who have fritz chips embedded in there
systems so they cant do anything online without Microsoft knowing.
When you where on the FuckMicrosoft forum, did you notice a guy called
"XP User #56345635243" He changed that to "Linux User" and has taken off
Windows Completely because of Red-Hat 8.0.
I could teach a retarded Blind and deaf person how to Install Mandrake
9.0. You dont understand that there are 2 reasons why people want
Unix is what a computer is, the only people ive seen who hate it are 12
year olds who like Drive Letters because there used to Windows. I know
for a fact you have no reasons why _UNIX_ sucks but just some small
Shortfalls in Linux development. Nobody can understand the point you
make because you english is terrible.
I hope you put this fucking rant on your fucked up fucking site you
little bitch. Because your a fucking asshat who cant fucking take a
mother fucking insult. You think Linux/Unix people are like fucking
children. Well some of us are motherfucking children you dumb-ass
motherfucker! You come to a forum named FUCKmicrosoft.com and then
complain that we swear at you. IF YOU HEARD MY FUCKING INSULTS AT AN
Anything you say wont change our minds. When i can edit the Windows
TCP/.IP stack to report a different OS on nmap scans so people cant get
my OS and hack my box. I might give your crappy, unlogical operating
system a try.
So suck my fucking balls you hairy ass dragula Looking windows assraping
fucked up Windows fucking user. And i can do massive wgets because its
not a dos or a flood. Its use of your HTTP service nothing more. If my
ISP asked what i was doing id just say "Oh i was downloading content of
his lovly website".
You will switch to Linux, you just dont know it yet.
John Tate.
> Greg
The first line in that article:
quote:A Microsoft-sponsored White Paper
--- End quote ---
Credibility: Down the toilet.
Please, please, please, please don't provoke that dumb ass. He's the last thing we need back here!
Why it might become the next convert?
He might also become the next person in the Dead Thread zone 7 times.
Am with VoidMan on this one.
Its funny how when I talk to people that ACTUALLY do REAL work in the IT field, say that, UNIX is everywhere. And we are talking about people who work in companies that deal with Million-Billions of dollars per year in transactions.
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