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Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic, don't be so narrow minded. (and don't bother replying if you are too arrogent to see the obvious bias in what you said). You are welcome to spew out whatever childish nonsense you wish to on these forums.
If you've ever complained about racist conservative hicks, congrats, you're now a hypocrite, and FYI: There are athiest racists who believe that somehow through evolution the white race is superier because they've done more or something, I honestly don't know or really care though. They are quite sick of the conservative stereotype as well. That's not relative to anything, I can spew out garbage too (although what I said is true)
Here's my prediction of a reply if you bother to give any:
a) Guess what, no one cares (that includes my opinion of your reply)
B) George bush is an idiot, and you are for being his sheep (since when am I a devout Bush supporter?)
C) Republicans are idiots and you're great proof of it. Good job humiliating yourself. (Fantasy + No Proof or Justification for anything = Your view of a republican? Well, your post contains those elements as well, welcome to the party)
D) You're a hypocrite and you're making mindless assumptions that are retarded, fuck off. (Yeah... I know, assumptions.. I'm just showing how annoying they can be, can't handle it, stop doing it yourself)
And if you don't get D, then of course you wont get my reply.. Assumption = Replublican Fratboy.
Don't make things more complex than they are.
And if it was just sarcasm, I have a question for you: what is the square root of negative 1? (try figuring out how that's relative to this post, as it is in a sort of sick, twisted way)
[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]
One more note.. I don't care about anyone's views on politics at this point.. I figure I'll just put up with what's going on and hang on to some sort of hope that it will all be ended, as one day it will.. I'm open-minded enough to choose a president by their beliefs and ideas, not by their party association. IE: Economy, This crap war in iraq, Constitutional rights, Foreign realtions, etc.
Who isn't sick of this war in IRAQ :( I support the troops, but in all, is it all REALLY worth it..
Oh yeah, that was certainly unbiased. Good job!
Macman, bias exists everywhere.. <sarcasm>It was a complex topic</sarcasm>.. I'm glad you pointed that out..
Bias is written, Bias is written against the other Bias..
Does it ever stop?
Although, it wasn't really in the same context as the originating bias in which triggered a response. They assumed a republican did it, and I simply pointed out that ANYONE could have done it..
I will admit my second post reply is obviously slanted. Is there really any true way to have an open mind? and what does it really mean?
[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]
[ September 13, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]
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