Miscellaneous > The Lounge
quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:
yeah, but if you give people an inch they take a yard
or for our international friends who use a decent measuring system, give people a centimeter they take a meter
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lol :D
Anyone want to dedicate some space to these forums? Mostly for image hosting? I would, but i no longer have broadband. Maybe when i get up & running again, (about 1 month) i will set it up. I do not forsee many images being hosted, so I really have no problem doing it myself...
Well, I've given up trying to find a host at all online. I went to freewebs.com and saw that they have a good deal and an easy to use interface. But then I saw this:
quote:The file manager does not come up or I cannot edit my files online
FreeWebz is built for the PC and designed for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher. Many users of Netscape or other browsers have problems with the File Manager and editor, and some macintosh users face similar difficulties. Because such a large percentage of our users use Internet Explorer, we do not have plans on rebuilding the site for Netscape compatibility. We highly recommend you download Internet Explorer free of charge and use it when browsing FreeWebz.
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So, I'm done with the internet for good. So long everyone.
quote:Originally posted by Macman: submissive pillock:
Well, I've given up trying to find a host at all online. I went to freewebs.com and saw that they have a good deal and an easy to use interface. But then I saw this:
So, I'm done with the internet for good. So long everyone.
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Damn. have fun in the real world.
Well, maybe not now that I think about it. Not a big fan of the real world.
quote:Originally posted by Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic:
Damn, I bet it was a bunch or rich republican frat boys that did it too.
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I doubt it, it was Ted Kennedy hiding his Pics he took at the Chappaquidick Accident site.........
he still has not told us what really happened that night........worthless Democrat liar....
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