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Activation comes to Adobe
All about activation of Adobe Photoshop CS software
Adobe activation technology is designed to deter casual, unauthorized copying of software.
--- End quote ---
The same way activation prevented the casual, unauthorized copying of WinXP? That's some shiat. Not only do you have to pay up 700 or so bucks for the software, you must also deal with activation. I say they have about 2 weeks after they release their shiat until it's cracked.
if dudes stop stealin' stuff they wouldn't do it
Yeah. If you actually buy the software the activation isn't really an inconvenience at all. It only takes a few seconds to activate software.
Adobe has the right to implement activation. Good software doesn't come free(legally). Sure, I think that $600+ is alot to ask for when it comes to graphics programs, but the software pays for itself. IF you are a professional who uses it extensivley for work that $600 will be paid off in no time then you will see profits, profits and more profits from the excellent quality work that you can accomplish with that $600 tool.
Im not that upset about Adobe protecting their software. Its their right to do so. Even the pricetag is not that bad. But as Jimmy said, if people stop stealing it, we wouldn't have to deal with activation. And you don't have to use photoshop, there are plenty of other apps out there. Paintshop pro, Corel painter, GIMP, fireworks, even photoshop elements is decent.
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