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Activation comes to Adobe

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quote:xpdf?  :-D

edit: but yeah like Ecsyle said if you don't like companies doing this to you don't buy into their products.  At least Photoshop doesn't try and force me to buy it by encouraging it's users to save into a proprieatry format.

[ October 03, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ][/QB]
--- End quote ---

???? PDF/PDP is a propriatory format. Any non-adobe app that can read a PDF/PDP file is able to do so through reverse engineering.

Photoshop lets you save to propriarity formats as well. The formats are PSD/PDD and EPS.

Yep, the same as access to most movies and dvds in linux is also through reverse engineering.  I dont mind too much provided it works for me and the program I use for it is free.  I wouldn't save in those formats personally, but it's nice to know I can read them all the same.

I know photoshop has proprieatry formats, but they are meant to be for "works in progress" aren't they?  Most people are going to save the final complete work in something that I can read.



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