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Steve Jobs for president? Not this time

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Have a look at this. The website in favour of Steve Jobs for president in 2004 went down within ten minutes because of too many guests.

i would still vote for ted nugent


quote:Originally posted by avello500:
i would still vote for ted nugent
--- End quote ---

You give me cat scratch fever  

I'm not sure if him being president would be bad or good. Microsoft probably wouldn't be hurt because Jobs has to pretend to be friends with them. Any negative move from the government to Microsoft from then on would be perceived as Jobs being biased, and Microsoft would then get free reign till the end of his term.

On the other hand, we could have called it the iAdministration and if we'd gotten into a war during his term it could have been called the iWar.

Howard Stern would be a better candidate in my opinion.

I need to be president.

I'd declare myself Emperor Jimmy the 1st of the United Empire of America. I'd make MS illegal, have gates undergo genital and cranial amputations, and make open source the official state-endorsed software license. current commercial software would get grandfathered in. Windoze would however be outlawed.

I think lindows would be illegal too, that way Lycoris can become the dominant "windows replacement linux".

my foreign policy would be really cool too. By tearing down the pigopoly, I'd do everything I could to improve the image of america to the rest of the world. I'd try to make peace with the muslims rather than trying to exterminate them the way asshat bush wants.


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