Point? Some people need to overcome their bitterness from having been demoded *cough -> Jimmy James cough*, while others (X11) need to be demoded and finally disappear from these forums.
It was bitterness that made me decide to make me force them into de-modding me.
remember, some time ago, I fucked my account up and didn't want to come back until the place really improved. well, it seemed to improve, so I did.
Refalm, it's not the management. You and the mods are doing an excellent job. Let me say that again... Microsuck as EXCELLENT management. My beef isn't with you. There aren't any mods who I have argument with (save for xeen, who wants to bin stuff based on subjective criteria ) and certainly not with you, Refalm.
It's with the members. If they could find something better to talk about than "Windows XP is the worst 'cos MS makes it", and "Linux is cool because it's OSS" or even "All closed source software sux because it's not OSS"... if the rhetoric could be gotten rid of, then there might be some interesting conversation.
[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: jimmyjames.sytes.net ]