Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Well, he already has Photoshop(so obviously he has already purchased it or pirated it) so why go to something different? If he already paid several hundred $$$ for Photoshop wouldn't it be stupid to ditch it for something that is free and isn't as functional as Photoshop?
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He could give GIMP a try and not necessarily ditch Photoshop, which I agree is better than GIMP for the time being.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Well, he already has Photoshop(so obviously he has already purchased it or pirated it) so why go to something different? If he already paid several hundred $$$ for Photoshop wouldn't it be stupid to ditch it for something that is free and isn't as functional as Photoshop?
--- End quote ---

in a word. no. gimp is actually better than photoshop, so go and blow your dog. Also, you can get stuffed because you put no effort into justifying your ludicrous claim that gimp isn't as functional as photoshop, so i will put a similar amount into defending gimp, because a truly good program does not need defending.

however by using free software, he would be losing nothing and gaining a lot. tell me why he SHOULDN'T use gimp?


also, may i draw a parallel between your post and some very similar sentiments?:

"i live in a world where 3/4 of the population are dying of thirst, starvation, disease and war, but i am one of the lucky few, who belongs to one of the countries who are responsible for perpetuating this situation in order that me and my countrymen may become fat and complacent at the expense of others so why go to something different?"

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum & his insidious little spies ]

WTF?????  I have used Photoshop before and I can't understand this bullshit about it being better than The Gimp. Come on! The only real argument I have ever seen is that Gimp doesn't separate to CMYK (or something) And only a fucking publisher or a Kinkos would give a fuck!!!
For anybody else, The Gimp is the shit!!! Besides, who is the fucking moron that pays $600 to screw around with pics at home???
I know Zombie didn't pay shit, cuz he's all talk, and doesn't put his money where his mouth is!!!

THAT is a fucking "hypocrite"!!!

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat8.0 ]

He looks like a gay hugh hefner...

Its not very good, I figured I shouldnt waste to much time on this asshole.


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