Author Topic: Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)  (Read 8414 times)


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #30 on: 6 November 2002, 01:02 »
I only had 5 minutes when I made this.

Kansas City Hustle


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #31 on: 6 November 2002, 02:55 »
this has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever done.    but, here goes.


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #32 on: 6 November 2002, 05:05 »
Motherfucker to you, you fucking liar! You did not pay $600 for that fucking app, you hypocrite.

There is only one piece of software on my system that isn't legit, but I do own a legit copy of the same software that I won't use because it has an invasion of privacy feature in it that the non-legit copy doesn't have

One piece is too many, and it goes against the M$ zealot code you fucking hypocrite!!!

Invasion of privacy is your M$ badge you dumbass!!!

Here are some interesting posts made by this Zombie guy:zombie posts

 My Maxtor 60gig drive came with a copy of Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE...I can always get a copy of 5.5 or 6.0 . Before I go through the trouble of getting it, is there any way I can save as GIF with 5.0LE? I have tried to autoupdate it, but the damn updater never seems to connect to the update site  :( .

Please note: This is Zombie's post from Planet Hardware forums. Anyone can figure out what the "trouble in getting it" means.

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat8.0 ]

*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #33 on: 6 November 2002, 07:51 »
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0B:

this is what he was talking about^

How does he know what piece of software I'm talking about? For all he knows I may be talking about a game, a certain app, etc. Who's to say it has anything to do with MS software?


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #34 on: 6 November 2002, 07:58 »
I thought MS was heading in Controlling All pirated software. Arent you big on the whole TCPA thing ??

 Piracy is piracy no matter how you cut it.
 Thats why Open Source lets you Modify the code with out braking the Law. I dont see Companies like Red Hat or Mandrake, Open Office and so on, being on the street corner asking for money.
 They dont make M$ money but I think the coders of such companies are well off money wise, wouldnt you agree?
Of Course not, Because Your head is directly connected with your ass.
You are full of contradictions zombie.


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #35 on: 6 November 2002, 08:01 »
Originally posted by bazoukas:
I thought MS was heading in Controlling All pirated software. Arent you big on the whole TCPA thing ??

 Piracy is piracy no matter how you cut it.
 Thats why Open Source lets you Modify the code with out braking the Law. I dont see Companies like Red Hat or Mandrake, Open Office and so on, being on the street corner asking for money.
 They dont make M$ money but I think the coders of such companies are well off money wise, wouldnt you agree?
Of Course not, Because Your head is directly connected with your ass.
You are full of contradictions zombie.

If you actually take your damn time to read you would see that I said I own a legit copy of the software that I also have a pirated copy of. The only reason why I do not use the legit copy is because it has a feature that infringes on my privacy...whereas the pirated version doesn't. I bought a retail copy of the software just for the sake of being decent and not crummy. I see no harm in using a different version of software that I have a legit copy of just to avoid invasion of my privacy.

Now fuck off.


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #36 on: 6 November 2002, 08:06 »
Originally posted by RudeCat8.0:
Motherfucker to you, you fucking liar! You did not pay $600 for that fucking app, you hypocrite.


Please note: This is Zombie's post from Planet Hardware forums. Anyone can figure out what the "trouble in getting it" means.

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat8.0 ]

You stupid fuck. Going through the trouble of getting a copy means buying it. As I said, Im not a damn cheapskate. I can actually afford to buy software(I only have to work 15 hours to raise $600 since I make about $40 an hour at the computer shop ;P). Raising money to pay for software is not an issue for me..therefore I don't feel the need to turn to free knock-off alternatives to the premium apps that cost money.

Don't go around accusing people of stealing stuff when you obviously have no clue what in the hell you are talking about. Back in the day when I had Photoshop 5.0 LE I didn't really pay for it because it came bundled with my hard drive(I'm glad I was introduced to Photoshop with my new drive cause now I buy the new version everytime a new version comes out cause I like Photoshop.      ;)      ).

(EDIT)That is another big reason why I like MS software so much. When it fucks up people bring thier systems to people like us at the shop to fix it and it makes us a bunch of money. I can't hate what helps me earn %90 of my check. ;P

[ November 06, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #37 on: 6 November 2002, 08:09 »
You fucktard, you still OWN ONE PIRATED COPY. So that means the company that made that Piece of Software is minus dollar wise the price of the item you pirated.

 Can you do simple math?

Here let me show you.

  1 apple is $1.00.  I buy one apple. I dont realy like that particular apple, so I steal another apple that i like. The grocery owner is minus $1.00 dollar now and I have broken the Law.

 DO YOU COMPUTE ?? ?? ??


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #38 on: 6 November 2002, 08:11 »
Originally posted by bazoukas:
You fucktard, you still OWN ONE PIRATED COPY. So that means the company that made that Piece of Software is minus dollar wise the price of the item you pirated.

 Can you do simple math?

Here let me show you.

  1 apple is $1.00.  I buy one apple. I dont realy like that particular apple, so I steal another apple that i like. The grocery owner is minus $1.00 dollar now and I have broken the Law.

 DO YOU COMPUTE ?? ?? ??

Yeah, but lets just say that the apple that was paid for should not invade my privacy. It should be the other way around...the stolen apple should do the invading while the legit apple that I paid for should leave me and my privacy alone.

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #39 on: 6 November 2002, 08:23 »
Ok I agree you dont want your privacy violated. Fair enough (btw you just opened a can of worms now because i can take what you say and apply it on TCPA, but i wont go there).

  You still broke the EULA. I am sure that somewhere in there it says that copying the software is in violation of such and such Law.
 In your case, you didnt have any other choice because you wante that particular Software. So what you ended up doing? You broke the EULA.

  And here lies the power of Open Source. You can Download the same Software but in different versions. Or if you know how, you can modify the code your self.

  Is Gimp>Photoshop, or the other way around? I dont know because I never used those apps. But with closed source you dont have a choice. You take what they give you, no matter if you like it or not.

 At the end, you go with OS or you Warez.

 You might say, pff big deal, they wont go under because of one copy that I pirated, but then, since you are an advocate of Close Source, you create a Double standard for your self.

 Are there OS apps that are bugy as shit. Of course. But
A) there are many other apps that do the same job as the apps that are closed source (and in many cases, they do a better job).

B) even if its bugy, the pace of development of OS is so rapid, that new and improved versions will come out in a heartbeat, simply because the code is open.

  BTW i understand that GIMP offers many many many plugins to Download. But as I said, i never used graphic apps, so I do nt know which one is better.


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #40 on: 6 November 2002, 08:24 »
This is nothing but a big shit load of trolling...

Zombie, you have been caught in a flat out lie, and are simply a bullshitting hypocrite.

You complain about the invasion of privacy enforced by microsoft, and you try and justify it because you  want YOUR privacy.

what a fucking load of crap!!! Get lost!!
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #41 on: 6 November 2002, 08:28 »
Originally posted by RudeCat8.0:
This is nothing but a big shit load of trolling...

Zombie, you have been caught in a flat out lie, and are simply a bullshitting hypocrite.

You complain about the invasion of privacy enforced by microsoft, and you try and justify it because you  want YOUR privacy.

what a fucking load of crap!!! Get lost!!

What am I lying about? I already admitted that I have 1 piece of pirated software(and no it isn't Photoshop) and I already stated my reasons for having that piece of pirated software(hey at least I gave the company money for me using thier software by buying a legit copy). You can keep on convincing yourself that I stole Photoshop even though I didn't. I don't really give a good god damn what you have to say because you are a fucking moron.

(EDIT)Also, if you waqnt to be exact on how much Photoshop 7.0 costed me, it wasn't $600...It costed $530. ;P

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #42 on: 6 November 2002, 08:31 »

 Zombie, the good thing with you is that you are fucking retard and you dont even know it.

  Here is my advice you stupid fuck, Take BASIC MATH.

  I buy one apple, I steal one apple. Is the Deli shop minus the price of one apple?


MATH 101.


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #43 on: 6 November 2002, 08:33 »
Originally posted by bazoukas:

 Zombie, the good thing with you is that you are fucking retard and you dont even know it.

  Here is my advice you stupid fuck, Take BASIC MATH.

  I buy one apple, I steal one apple. Is the Deli shop minus the price of one apple?


MATH 101.

This is coming from a guy who can't even spell Fucktard right? Buzz off bitch, you don't pay for software, you have to use free software. What a cheap bastard.  :rolleyes:


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Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)
« Reply #44 on: 6 November 2002, 08:36 »
Re Malaka kopse pera mi sou gamiso kamia mana kai sou kano didima!

  Dude, pull my finger.