Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)

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I only had 5 minutes when I made this.

this has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever done.    but, here goes.

Motherfucker to you, you fucking liar! You did not pay $600 for that fucking app, you hypocrite.

quote: There is only one piece of software on my system that isn't legit, but I do own a legit copy of the same software that I won't use because it has an invasion of privacy feature in it that the non-legit copy doesn't have
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One piece is too many, and it goes against the M$ zealot code you fucking hypocrite!!!

Invasion of privacy is your M$ badge you dumbass!!!

Here are some interesting posts made by this Zombie guy:zombie posts

quote:  My Maxtor 60gig drive came with a copy of Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE...I can always get a copy of 5.5 or 6.0 . Before I go through the trouble of getting it, is there any way I can save as GIF with 5.0LE? I have tried to autoupdate it, but the damn updater never seems to connect to the update site  :( .
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Please note: This is Zombie's post from Planet Hardware forums. Anyone can figure out what the "trouble in getting it" means.

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat8.0 ]


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / B0B:

this is what he was talking about^
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How does he know what piece of software I'm talking about? For all he knows I may be talking about a game, a certain app, etc. Who's to say it has anything to do with MS software?

I thought MS was heading in Controlling All pirated software. Arent you big on the whole TCPA thing ??

 Piracy is piracy no matter how you cut it.
 Thats why Open Source lets you Modify the code with out braking the Law. I dont see Companies like Red Hat or Mandrake, Open Office and so on, being on the street corner asking for money.
 They dont make M$ money but I think the coders of such companies are well off money wise, wouldnt you agree?
Of Course not, Because Your head is directly connected with your ass.
You are full of contradictions zombie.


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