Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Gimp/Photoshop compition... (Not yet; but will be big pix!)

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Your  Math lesson is flawed buddy. Do you really think it costs companies more than a dollar or 2 to copy a CD that they already have produced millions of copies of, stick a manual and a few papers in a pretty box and shrink wrap the box? If you really think stealing a dollar or 2 then giving the company several hundred dollars to buy a legit copy is wrong you are the fucking retard.

ahh nice. Now am farting to your general direction.  Thanks Lebentomalaka.


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
ahh nice. Now am farting to your general direction.  Thanks Lebentomalaka.
--- End quote ---

Ahh, I see that you realize that I'm right. That pirated copy of the software I paid for did not hurt the company at all. They may not have made any profits off of the pirated copy, but what the hell, they only lost a couple of bucks. That isn't a bad thing considering that they got thier profits from me when I bought the legit copy(a few hunderd $$$ definatley makes up for the whole dollar or 2 they lost when I got a non-legit copy). Now fuck off.

Hey Zombie, when you talk, i get this urge to scratch my family jewels.
 I think its psychosomatic. Hmm I didnt realize that fucktards like you can cause that. Can you help me with the scratching?


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
Hey Zombie, when you talk, i get this urge to scratch my family jewels.
 I think its psychosomatic. Hmm I didnt realize that fucktards like you can cause that. Can you help me with the scratching?
--- End quote ---

Buddy, you are the fucktard. You don't even know how Corporate America works. I'm not joking when I say it only costs a couple of dollars to make a CD and package it. The modern way of manufacturing stuff called Mass Production makes it possible for a product(especially a product on a CD) to be manufactured and packaged at a minimal cost. Honestly, there is no piece of software worth several hundred $$$(paying that price for anything on a CD is a major rip-off) but that is just the way it is. How do you think software companies that start out with virtually nothing manage to get rich so quick? They get rich by the means of Mass Production and inflation.


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