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Are you Tired of all the Microsoft Bashing Yet?

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By the looks of the Activewin poll "Are you tired of the Microsoft bashing"....most people are sick of it.

How will Linux ever overtake MS when most people prefer using Windows? Only a small handful of people hate MS. The majority of people will continue to use MS products for a long time to come. ;P

What an inane article.


The truth is, Linux just doesn't have the install/uninstall abilities that Windows does. And I'm sorry but re-compiling the kernel for what ever reason just doesn't make it. We don't even need to mention the fact that most users in a call center are much more familiar with Windows which makes it easier to train them. Do we even bother getting into the issue of driver support for Linux which doesn?t match Windows?

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1. With Linux, installing programs is easier.  It's so easy you don't even *need* a wizard.  In Mandrake I just click "install software" and select what I want.  It solves all the deps for me.

2. You never need to recompile the kernel unless you use Gentoo or something.

3. Linux supported my cd-rw out of the box, Windows XP didn't

The list goes on.

I installed Xp the other day so I could play a couple of games that don't work on wine.  I was amazed at how badly it sucked.  It mysteriously rebooted every 20-30 minutes -- and this was with a fresh install!  I thought it was my hardware at first but then I rebooted into Linux and it stayed on for 8 hours with no crashing.  Linux may suck in certain places, but from my experience Windows sucks harder and more often.

Personally I don't bash Microsoft more than any other proprietary software company.  But they are the illegal monopoly, their software frequently sucks, so it makes them an easy target.  Not to mention Steve Ballmer is insane...

As for that poll, well what do you expect from a website called "ActiveWin.com"?


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

By the looks of the Activewin poll "Are you tired of the Microsoft bashing"....most people are sick of it.

How will Linux ever overtake MS when most people prefer using Windows? Only a small handful of people hate MS. The majority of people will continue to use MS products for a long time to come. ;P
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quote: Are you Tired of all the Microsoft Bashing Yet?
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not untill they are no longer the dominant operating system producer in the computer industry

Your computer mysteriously reboots every 20-30 minutes? Question. Do you have a good quality 350w or better PSU(assuming you have a P4/Athlon w/GF3 or better or Radeon 8500 or better video card)? Random restarts are usually caused by a PSU that isn't giving adequate power to 1 or more of the rails. Generic PSU's are notorious for not giving enough to the 12v+ rail(even 450w generics).

The reason it would restart in Windows and not in Linux is because Windows actually uses your hardware to the full potential that it was designed for. When the hardware is being used the way it is supposed to be used it will consume the power that it was designed to consume.

Also, if you do have a generic high wattage PSU or a low wattage generic or name brand PSU...do you have a shitload of fans and drives connected to it? The consume power too you know.

Random restarts are normally a PSU issue...not a Windows fault. Windows problems can often be fixed or prevented if you know what the hell you are doing.

Go pick up a 350w or higher Antec PSU(Antec PSU's deliver adequate power to all of the rails) and see if you get random restarts.

[ April 06, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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