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More nerd tests
Only 22% on this one and weirdness of 27%. It's cuz I don't know any programming languages.
You answered "yes" to 8 of 100 questions, making you 92.0% nerd pure (8.0% nerd corrupt); that is, you are 92.0% pure in the nerd domain (you have 8.0% nerd in you).
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 25%
I wonder how owning a CRT monitor and having ever used a modem has anything to do with nerdiness. Maybe it makes a difference because a person who answers yes actually knows what a CRT and a modem is. :confused:
[ October 17, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
you are 64.0% pure in the nerd domain (you have 36.0% nerd in you).
You answered "yes" to 57 of 100 questions, making you 43.0% nerd pure (57.0% nerd corrupt); that is, you are 43.0% pure in the nerd domain (you have 57.0% nerd in you).
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 44%, based on a comparison of your test results with 378675 other submissions for this test.
Hmm, I've played a computer game... i'm such a nerd :rolleyes:
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