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Nigerian Money Laundering Scam

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I think i'd give them a new reply...

Dear Mr. Assfuck:
You must think I am a moron, willing to simply let you empty my bank account for personal enjoyment... and I defecate upon your plan!

On a slightly lighter note, the girl who runs your computer seems to be smarter than you and your entire family.. so can i get her email address?

that was a good response however it seems that even when i do reply they will just bounce my reply back to me unread!

i might use that one next time!  ;)

I get these emails all the time on all of my email accounts and I know Quirk has talked about getting them too. At first I replied to all of them but now I either block their addresses or tell them to fuck off (or both). I got some interesting responses though when I replied telling them that the government of Nigeria or whatever is trying to kill them.

It's interesting that Mr. Noe has $126M and can't afford his own mail server. Has to rely on a YaHoo account. Maybe you could send him a note and recommend that if he uses Linux he could set up an affordable mail server, with SSL at no extra charge so as to ensure your conversations are kept private.  

Yeah the people sending these are definitely windows users.


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