Miscellaneous > The Lounge

We're back

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quote:zombie didnt do it. He didnt even try to anything to the Bob server.
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why don't all of you start a 'we love talking about zombie90210' forum on your own and all go there instead of here? he sure has succeeded in becoming a celebrity.
You just can't resist talking about him, can you?


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

possibly... let's not run off half cocked though, which is what this thread has been about so far.

This is one small part of the reason why i think we will see more FMS downtime in the future.
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And a good reason for maintaining the secondary forum.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

two words:




(oh alright then, three!)
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What, you dont care that he knocked the site offline.

he didn't fucking knock the site offline okay!!!!!!

not only that but you feed his ego every time you talk about him and that is why he comes back! some of us don't like having the zombie influence around, look at this thread for instance. he's barely posted in here and at least half the posts are shit purely because of him! you guys give him the almost supernatural ability to fuck up threads of discussion!

Its ironic that nobody even *GASP* thinks that it was Microsoft who took us down!


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