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Apart from the fact that it was Calum.  

The fact that Microsoft did it could exist, and i do remember many people accusing Zombie of being a Microsoft Worker.

I just dont/wont give up.

I also contacted his ISP, who claim they will "monitor" for "suspission" (1 second irc sessions to tell the bot farms to ping fuckmicrosoft.com with 60k packets) and things.

But i think its intugeing that Voidmain got hits from Microsoft.com just before the attack.

Actually I believe it was right after or during the forums being down, and it was only two hits from two different Microsoft addresses (obviously two of their firewall addresses): - - [06/Jan/2003:15:26:45 -0600]
"GET /icons/blank.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 148 "http://voidmain.kicks-ass.net/redhat/"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)" - - [06/Jan/2003:15:26:44 -0600]
"GET /redhat/ HTTP/1.0" 200 3451 "http://newsforge.com/newsforge/03/01/06/1417226.shtml?tid=23" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

And as you can see they were web browser hits (.NET machines ICK) and referred from newsforge. They got out quickly and didn't actually look around. A real shame, they might have learned something. Must have been his Gatesness.          

What's interesting is that they must be load balancing outgoing connections because this was one click of a browser going to "http://voidmain.kicks-ass.net/redhat/" resulting in two hits (one for blank.gif and the other for the directory listing) and each hit came from a different address.

The two addresses resolve to:


[ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]

DO NOT LOCK THIS THREAD, i don't give a shit about zombie,if it was him. well, i think  5 or so days of outage would be considered over 5k of damages

could sombody nmap those hosts from a remote acount/*if you have a shell acount at mysite, THAT DOESN"T COUNT*/ why don't we post this on slashdot, maybe what happened to ralsky /*the spamer who got his house location posted their*/ will happen to these bastards, and look at a bunch of other projects that are getting dosd, like slackware. it just doesn't add up. and if it is microsoft. hell, sombody need to talk to the slackware team and see if any stuff comes up. their was anohter place that was dos'd but i don't remember it

There is no way that it was Microsoft. That would be suicide. Now it's possible that an MS employee could have rallied the troops but I seriously doubt it. For one, they probably wouldn't know how. For two, they are too busy building hidden games into their Office apps.


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