Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Mozilla, flawed because...

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A)I haven't bothered to configure it like a REAL geek.

B)Many sites knowingly or unknowingly cater only to IE.

C)The Mozilla team is doing good, but they have more work to be done.

What am I talking about? Well im refering to how there seems to be alot of sites on the internet that Mozilla doesn't like to much(or is that the other way around?). Ironically these sites work fine in internet explorer. So what do you think the reason is? I find it hard to believe that one too many web admins conciously favor IE, so that would make it either my fault or Mozilla's fault.

I hope I don't sound too hard here, as I know alot of you like Mozilla, but coughing sites are coughing sites.

Which is one BIG reason why I refuse to use Mozilla as my preferred browser. With IE I can view every site properly...with Mozilla it is like a hit or miss. You can't surf the web in Mozilla(or any other alternative browser) and take for granted that you *WILL* be able to view *EVERY* site *PROPERLY*. No matter what the Open Source rollers say, alternative browsers do have problems with viewing or properly rendering alot of pages.

Just like with everything else Open Source...you have to give the software Authors credit for thier hard work...but thier software is a knock off of what it is trying to contend with and always falls short. With that said...I'm gonna happily stick with my IE and MS Office.


who cares if people come on here and say mozilla's crap, and they'll use IE? not me.

I use mozilla all the time and i don't have any problems. I don't come on here and shove it down people's throats though.

Use what you use, and stop thinking that a browser choice is such an important thing, that's my advice.

However be prepared for an incredible amount of under-the-hood repercussions if you use IE, due to bad coding, system 'integration', deliberate intrusion of privacy by the developers, and the need to make money over the need to make decent software.

So Calum, can alot of f0cked up websites be fixed simply by proper configuration of Mozilla?

OS X comes with IE, which I uninstalled after a couple of days. The reasons?

A) I don't like using M$ products

B) It was slow and

C) It was slower than Mozilla

I now use Mozilla and Chimera, the latter being the fastest browser on earth (litterally) with absolutely no problems as to web sites being rendered properly. Everything works flawlessly in Mozilla.


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