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Mozilla, flawed because...

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Which is one BIG reason why I refuse to use Mozilla as my preferred browser. With IE I can view every site properly...with Mozilla it is like a hit or miss. You can't surf the web in Mozilla(or any other alternative browser) and take for granted that you *WILL* be able to view *EVERY* site *PROPERLY*. No matter what the Open Source rollers say, alternative browsers do have problems with viewing or properly rendering alot of pages.

Just like with everything else Open Source...you have to give the software Authors credit for thier hard work...but thier software is a knock off of what it is trying to contend with and always falls short. With that said...I'm gonna happily stick with my IE and MS Office.
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Hit and miss? First of all mozilla works correctly with 98% of websites, the other 2% are either poorly written, or refuse to believe that everyone doesnt use IE. I dont use Windows, so MS Office and IE arent an option, but even if they were I would not use them, because I prefer Open Office and Mozilla. As for the ability to see every site properly with IE, try visiting http://stayoffmyland.cjb.net with IE. I guarantee it wont work. My only question for you is, what happens when MS starts charging for IE? Would you be willing to pay to be able to view websites, or would you rather use a browser which is free.

Yes we belive you Zombie!

Everyone with IE goto www.gilpinsgarage.cjb.net in your crappy browser. Then goto the same site in Mozilla! THE SITE RENDERS BETTER IN FUCKING LYNX THEN IE!

The reason is because Microsoft tries to make 'standards'. Which aren't standard because they're MS only.
Retarded webmasters (usually under-13's) like to use these crappy MS 'standards'.
Major companies that do this are few and far between, those that do only cater for only 1 browser (be it IE, Mozilla whatever) are quite frankly *stupid*, because the web was not made to be cut into little tribal quarters and also --> they lose business.

If people (mosty MS) would actually conform to standards then no browser should be locked out.

And yes, I do understand that standards are often slow to be approved etc and this can cause problems, but still it's the right way. (look at XML)

[ October 19, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]

Master of Reality:
i have yet to find a site that wont work in Mozilla. Please, will someone show me one. Remember zombie i posted that screenshot of mozilla viewing that yahoo site you claimed wouldnt work.


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Yes we belive you Zombie!

Everyone with IE goto www.gilpinsgarage.cjb.net in your crappy browser. Then goto the same site in Mozilla! THE SITE RENDERS BETTER IN FUCKING LYNX THEN IE!

--- End quote ---

The only reason why it doesn't render perfectly in IE is because you made it. Honestly, what are the chances of somebody surfing the net(who doesn't visit this site) actually going there? When I say visiting pages that render better in IE I mean pages that people actually go and visit. LoL

BTW, the only thing wrong with your site in IE is the red text has white backgrounds..other than that it looks about the same in Mozilla as it does in IE. I do have to give you credit, you do a good job of exploiting the bug in IE where it doesn't render the transparency layer of png pictures. Luckily, very few sites actually use transparent pngs because of that bug. The bug has existed since IE first came out. Really I don't think that MS really cared to fix the transparency bug because the widespread usage of IE pushed the use of the jpeg format to be the standard image format.

quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
i have yet to find a site that wont work in Mozilla. Please, will someone show me one. Remember zombie i posted that screenshot of mozilla viewing that yahoo site you claimed wouldnt work.
--- End quote ---

Ahh, but go create a Homestead account and try to login to it with Mozilla. I bet you will get a Homestead sitebuilder doesn't support this browser message.

[ October 19, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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