Yeah because I have no reason to use anything else. IE renders all of the sites that I visit perfectly(and quickly might I add), it doesn't have any website compatibility issues with some of the sites I visit often, it works seemlessly with any visual style I use(no UI oddities), I don't have any ad or pop-up issues with it, I don't have any serious security issues to worry about with it(due to the fact that I know how to administor my box), I like how it is laid out, I think that it is the least painful on the eyes(I hate the navigation icons and the throbber of other browsers), I have a nice and useful little add-in Google toobar for it, I have no issues with any of the plugins I use for it and Acrobat, Word, Frontpage, Outlook, WMP 9, etc. intergrate into it pretty well, etc.
For some reason I just simply don't like Mozilla, Firebird, Netscape or Opera(I have tried all of them). I like IE so I stick with it. I don't care about tabbed browsing because I'm not to lazy to press ALT+Tab to switch between browser Windows. If I wanted Tabbed browsing I'd probably just use MyIE2.
If you don't believe that I have my IE locked down pretty tight have a look at this.
(The CD ejecting trick doesn't work on my system either).
That is just a small example. I've tried a few sites that exploit the vunerability to where IE can excute a file without user permission. I've also tried a few other exploits. Anyways, no exploits work on my system due to the fact that I have it locked down so tight. I have very strict ActiveX rules in effect and I have every trace of DCOM+ disabled, etc.
I have it secured pretty well but I still don't lose any functionality of the browser.
In other words, I'm not afraid of security vunerabilities at all. A system is only as good as the administor who sets the system up.

[ September 14, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]