Author Topic: Small thing that pisses me off!  (Read 1359 times)


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« on: 6 October 2002, 16:28 »
It's just a small thing, but evertime I see it, I see red.

Install TCP/IP as a new protocol under network settings in Win98 and look what company the protocol is listed under: Microsoft! What a lie. Microsoft had sweet f*ckall to do with developing TCP/IP. How dare they just claim its theirs. Isn't that the same thing as theft?


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« Reply #1 on: 6 October 2002, 18:37 »
Originally posted by Saint Andrew:
It's just a small thing, but evertime I see it, I see red.

Install TCP/IP as a new protocol under network settings in Win98 and look what company the protocol is listed under: Microsoft! What a lie. Microsoft had sweet f*ckall to do with developing TCP/IP. How dare they just claim its theirs. Isn't that the same thing as theft?

That doesn't mean MS invented TCP/IP - it just means the protocol drivers for windows are written by Microsoft.
//this is how I was born :)

cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mybrain

Tip for win98 (l)users: type copy /con/con in your command prompt to increase stability


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« Reply #2 on: 6 October 2002, 19:34 »
Nope, don't think so.  AFAIK Microsoft got their TCP/IP protocol from a BSD.  That was the case at least in 'Blows95... but yea, having the TCP/IP protocol under 'Microsoft' is crazyy... they're just tryin to brainwash all the unquestioning, driod users that everything, the internet and all...  from this excellent, thorough, well thought 'Hate Microsoft' page, here, I quote:

 "Proprietary standards and products are presented so that they appear to have been a general standard all along. And where that's not possible or convenient, Microsoft encourages the notion that global standards are Microsoft's inventions. For example, look in the Windows 9x/ME control panel for the TCP/IP protocol. You'll find it listed under 'Microsoft protocols', along with NetBEUI. How's that again? (TCP/IP is a global standard that's older than the Microsoft Corporation.)
Microsoft not only seizes global standards but also attempts to rewrite history -- a practice not uncommon among those who want to control public opinion."


Fuck you Gates.


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« Reply #3 on: 6 October 2002, 19:35 »
That and wasn't tcp/ip first developed by the BSD team? BSD code is free to claim, or so their license says.


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« Reply #4 on: 6 October 2002, 19:41 »
Originally posted by LevelZero / B0B:
Nope, don't think so.  AFAIK Microsoft got their TCP/IP protocol from BSD-developed product.  That was the case at least in 'Blows95.  But yea, having the TCP/IP protocol under 'Microsoft' is crazyy... they're just tryin to brainwash all the unquestioning, driod (dumb?) users that everything, the internet and all, is M$'s invention.. "The whole world of computers is invented, and owes credit to, Microsoft", and alot of people believe that too (yea, that and the whole "M$-Windows is the only thing you can get on a computer" thing -- if all they see is Window$, they believe all credit goes to Micro$haft and Window$) ...  from this excellent, thorough, well thought 'Hate Microsoft' page, here, I quote:

 "Proprietary standards and products are presented so that they appear to have been a general standard all along. And where that's not possible or convenient, Microsoft encourages the notion that global standards are Microsoft's inventions. For example, look in the Windows 9x/ME control panel for the TCP/IP protocol. You'll find it listed under 'Microsoft protocols', along with NetBEUI. How's that again? (TCP/IP is a global standard that's older than the Microsoft Corporation.)
Microsoft not only seizes global standards but also attempts to rewrite history -- a practice not uncommon among those who want to control public opinion."


Fuck you Gates.


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Small thing that pisses me off!
« Reply #5 on: 6 October 2002, 21:50 »
They still do use BSD code in their TCP/IP stack. They Berkeley licenses are embedded in the executables. For instance, strip the text out of the "NETSTAT.EXE" command and you will find the berkeley licenses in the text (search for the word berkeley or Berkeley, it's there).
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...