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war on bullshit

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im american, over here marijuana was legal up to the time the company DuPont created nylon, unfortunatly its applications where hinderd becuase of the use of hemp. no pot and hemp are not as close to each other as u might think. they are only distant cousins of the same family of plants, they differ in many ways, by smell,sight and sensation as well as others. back to the point, dupont lobbied to get marijauna illegalized so to get hemp illegalized and open the doors for nylon to make money, a fucking shit load of money.
there are many ways that producution of hemp(not pot) would benefit the planet, to many to list. however haveing quit smoking pot about a year ago i can tell u there are alot of downsides to smoking pot, but to each there own. now on the subject of opium (and its derivatives, morphine, codine, all the way down), cocaine,and meth (and derivatives) all breed a populus of fucking idiots that need to helped off the planet. i suggest using the butt of the gun for a single bullet costs way more then what them fucknutz are worth.

soapbox is open to the next..................


quote:Originally posted by Macman: Mac Tro0per / boB:
Don't those idiots realize that if they just legalized marajuana it would no longer support terrorism? I've seen that commercial before. What kind of dumbass wrote that? I didn't even think it was serious the first time I saw that.

"Drugs don't support terrorism."

"Yes they do."

"No they don't."

"Yes they do. They just do."

And then the commercial ends! That's all there is!
--- End quote ---
there's hope yet! with adverts like that, people are bound to think for themselves more and more in future!

marijuana doesn't support terrorism anyway. most weed is grown localy in the US or in Canada. you're either supporting americans or canadians, not terrorists.

coke and heroine are the terrorist drugs......

G'day guys,

If you want to understand the Pot problem read:-

Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer

For whatever it's worth it is the Lawyers who stand most to gain now days since almost 80% of crimes are drug related, how much of that 80% relates to Pot I do not know but I know this it's a close call as to who is the most damaging for society... Windows or Lawyers.


And no it's resulted from an 'accident'.

lawers by far. lawers are why i can get sued if a guy breaks into my house and hurts himself. lawers are why it's getting harder and harder for civilians to protect themselves from criminals with guns. lawers are why tobacco costs so much damn money but none of it going to help the sick who were affected by smoking. lawers are the ones behind the TCPA. lawers are the ones who take away our rights and freedoms.


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