Miscellaneous > The Lounge

war on bullshit

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yup, like another rant of mine on prescription drugs. and for the guy that breaks into your house, its sad to say, but if you let him live, you will pay dearly for it. so make sure he/she is dead. a stiff can't sue for pain and sufferering, so the only law suit you will have to deal with will probably come from loved ones. /*note, i am not an authoritive knowlidge on this, so check with a attack shark err lawyer first*/ and for guns, they should be fully legal. /*i know im singing to the choir*/ people are too short minded to realize that if the criminals can have a .44 in their car whether their are guns laws or not. if stuff like that was legal, you might think twice about trying to run me off the road and shooting me for driving slow, or trying to mug you. then agian, it wodln't work all the time. and sadly, people are going to use the D.C. sniper for an excuse to ban guns.

and for people that are sick from smoking, only if you started before they began labeling the packages, otherwise you are stupid for starting/*isn't it obvoise that inhaling smoke coulln't be good for you? too bad alot of psychitry is involved like peer pressure*/

Listen up:

Dont do speed its really bad, it fucks you up worse then weed. Fucking stoners are so dillusional they will goto the most stupid claims to say it is good.



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