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Well the 'war' has begun

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quote:Originally posted by Siplus: *Capitalist*:
btw, it isn't cheap propaganda. i can't imagine what information you are being fed is close to reality...

about the song: what a great song! i laughed as i was reading it, though, it's a shame that if you read it in the non-lyrical form, it is quite stupid (aww....*gasp*, i said something was stupid, don't take offence anyone)

there's nothing new to be said here. i like the song but not the words--not like anyone will really care what a 'venomous' conservative capitalist thinks though...

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus: *Capitalist* ]
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I'm going to reply to you with a question and I would like a direct answer on that:

Q: Where were the mighty U.S.A back in the '80s when Saddam was throwing chemicals on Kurds and Iran?

BTW, I would also like some answers on who exactly it was that armed Saddam with chemical weapons and biological agents AND who was Saddam's greatest ally during the war against Iran (again in the 80s)?

Don't worry, I know the answers. I also know about the US's interest in the Middle East.   ;)  

I don't know what kind of bullshit they're feeding you up there, but I would like to see you get the facts straight!

An answer please. Come on..


quote: Q: Where were the mighty U.S.A back in the '80s when Saddam was throwing chemicals on Kurds and Iran?
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hmm...considering i was -7 years old in 1980, i can't really tell ya off hand. my memory of that period of time seems a little fussy

but i'd be willing to bet that the U.S.A was in the Unites States, on the N. American continent

quote: BTW, I would also like some answers on who exactly it was that armed Saddam with chemical weapons and biological agents AND who was Saddam's greatest ally during the war against Iran (again in the 80s)
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hmm, like i said, i don't really remember, seeing as how i wasn't alive, but i'm pritty sure it was the US, because IRAQ wasn't a threat back then. no one could have known that Saddam would be an insane bastard

should we bring up hitler in europe?

Wow! How's that for a straight answer! Thank you for answering! The rest of you can draw your own conclusions....      

EDIT: Nobody armed Hitler unlike Saddam Husein and the Mudjahedin in the 1980's or Pinochet in Chile who were ARMED by the Americans. Again, open some books, read, get the facts straight and then come back here to post such rubbish! Perhaps then you could come out of this American-suburban-puritanistic nirvana..

[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]

America armed both Iraq and Iran they were hoping they would kill each other, when Iraq found out they used a biological weapon.

Cool song.  :D

The Hitler comparison.  :rolleyes:

We did stand up to Sadam when he invaded Kuwait.

Sanctions effectively neutralised him and stopped his weapon programmes, etc.

Unlike 1938 the military force existed to do so.  The "Stand up to Hitler " thing - the question at the time was "Stand up to him with what?"

After the Munich agreement Britain started to arm itself at a rate of knots.  We expected war in 1942 and were preparing for it.

The "smoking gun" we were promised, several times, has never materialised.  They stopped trying to justify it and went ahead anyway, disregarding democratic institutions on the way in the name of Democracy.



[ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: zoolooo ]


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