I've actually been "lurking" as a guest reading the topics on this discussion board for awhile now (to research the flaws of Microsoft and to feel comfortable in my desicion to switch to a non-MS OS), and have decided to join.
Anywhoo, I first became aware of the problems with Microsoft products during my first year in college. About this time, internet advertisers began widespread usage of the dreaded popup window. And back then, I didn't really use any other browser other than Internet Explorer (which has no real defense against ads and spyware thanks to ActiveX, security holes, and limited user options and controls).
Well, after an endless amount of X10 popup ads, strange floating ads embedded in the browser, malfunctions that caused new blank windows to keep opening without ceassation, small moving popup ads, I "saw the light" so to speak that IE is not a good browser to use. So, I switched to Mozilla/Netscape and haven't switched back since (I'm typing this in Firefox on Mac OS X)
I also "woke up" to the fact that Microsoft operating systems aren't all their cracked up to be. My university back then (at least the public lab I used) only used Windows machines (this was in 2001) and after some truly bizarre malfunctions (including the mouse "snapping back" to one point on the screen, rendering a "star pattern" when one would try to mover the cursor frantically and also about 4 attempts and about 20 wasted minutes trying to log onto a system), I realized that it's best to avoid Windows. I then did research, and found out all about the security holes, the bloatware, the spyware, and the road MS seems to be taking in the future.
When I got my own computer, I got a dual USB iBook G3 running Mac OS X and 9. [I still use Windows 98SE (with IE removed) in Virtual PC (My version of VPC was purchased back when it was owned by Connectix) to run my old Windows programs, but I don't allow the VPC to connect to the internet]
I've tried using Linux and enjoy using it, but my favourite OS would be the Mac OS (I like to use either 9 or X). I want to teach myself UNIX script and Java.
Although I dislike most Microsoft products and wish that the company would change their policies, I don't hold a grudge against any person working for Microsoft, even Bill Gates (sort of a "love the sinner, but hate the sin" philosophy)
A little background about me, I'm over 21 years of age, I attend a major university (Arizona State), I'm a Christian (but don't worry, I won't impose that on anyone), and I'm majoring in graphics.
EDIT: My favourite program to use would probably be Bryce 5 (a 3D rendering program that's cheap and easy to use) and an old 10 year old DOS paint program called "Deluxe Paint 2 Enhanced" (which I've been using since I was 10 back in the early 90s)
Anywhoo, I hope to get along well here and make some new friends.

[ February 26, 2004: Message edited by: greencube ]